Author Archives: RedWolf
Box theme 0.58
A new re-merge with Ubuntu Themes has been done, providing Lubuntu of the following features to the GTK3 theme:
- revamped Unity controls
- improved theme file structure
- removed unnecessary objects
- added missing elements (e.g. translucent endings, etc)
- modified scroll sliders (now with autohide)
- fixed buttons curvature (overall improvements)
- other minor bug fixes
Remember that this is only a feature and bug fix release, and only affects GTK3 part. The theme is being updated in the Artwork Daily PPA and as a standalone package. Downloads are here.
Lubuntu Xenial Xerus (with LXQt) in a Raspberry Pi 2

A nice experiment made by wxl from the Lubuntu QA Team: running Lubuntu Xenial Xerus on a Raspberry Pi 2, with LXQt desktop. Made with Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker, and following simple instructions:
- Get the image from here
- Install the image
- do-release-upgrade to Xenial
- Install LXQt packages following the wiki guide
And that’s all. Enjoy Lubuntu in your new Pi. Remember this is just an experiment, it may be unstable. But what are Raspberry Pi computers for, but testing and having fun?
Lubuntu 16.04 LTS will use kernel 4.4 LTS
The Ubuntu Linux kernel team has announced that the Linux kernel in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has been upgraded to version 4.4, the latest stable release made available.
Linus Torvalds released a new stable version of the Linux kernel just a few days ago, and the Ubuntu developers have been quick to integrate it into the latest build of Ubuntu 16.04.
The team has been tracking the 4.4 branch for quite some time, and they had almost all of the RC versions, so it was only natural to get the stable 4.4 as soon as it made an appearance.
Xenial Xerus alpha 1
Hi folks, the 1st milestone release of what will be our 16.04 LTS is now out in the wild. I’m only posting the release notes link, as it is important you know of issues (none are computer critical) so that you don’t waste your time reporting an issue we already know of. If you find new issues, please follow the reporting section at the bottom of the notes.
Grab it while it’s hot!
In Memory of Ian Murdock
Ian Murdock was perhaps best known professionally as the founder of the Debian project, which he created while still a student at Purdue University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science in 1996.
Debian was one of the first Linux distros to be forged, and it is widely regarded as a one of the most successful open-source projects ever launched (via Docker).
Our distro, Lubuntu, is based on your dream. Thank you, Ian.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Just a wish for all, have a nice Christmas season and a really good New Year entrance! Lenny says “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
Remember: all our official Christmas wallpapers are at Pinterest! Share them!
FileZilla Box theme
Box is the default Lubuntu theme, and it should cover all the system needs (icons, controls, backgrounds…) but some applications don’t follow the XDG specs for their buttons and graphics. FileZilla is a must-have app for most desktops, so here’s a theme for it. To use it go to Artwork, grab it and extract the folder to /usr/share/filezilla/resources/ folder. Then open FileZilla, at the menu Edit / Preferences and look for themes. That’s all!
Ubuntu font 0.84
The guys from Design Canonical team have been busy these days, upgrading our desktop font to cover more alphabets, completing the Unicode sets for Hebrew, Arabic and Cyrillic. This change will arrive with Lubuntu 16.04, but we can get this updated font now, version 0.84, just downloading the package and uncompressing it in the ~/.fonts folder.