10 Jan

Lots of LX updates

The coder of the entire desktop LXDE, PCMan, was busy these days. He was updating the main core libs and app (pcmanfm / libfm 1.2.0), the image viewer (gpicview 0.2.4) and the appearance config tool (lxappearance 0.5.5), getting improved with bug fixes and new features:

  • pcmanfm: dual pane view
  • pcmanfm: create symlinks
  • lxappearance: fix creating themes
  • lxappearance: compression use xz format
  • gpicview: show / hide toolbar
  • gpicview: fix “fit image”, scrolling, zoom

All this will be upgraded via GIT and Lubuntu will take benefit of this effort. Congratulations, PCMan, for your great work!

Via LXDE Blog

02 Jan

Box now on XFCE!

I must confess that XFCE is my second favourite environment (you already know what’s the first one), and after giving support for Unity (and some Ubuntu elements) now it’s turn to give it to XFWM, the window manager of XFCE, and Thunar, the file manager, that now looks pretty similar to PCManFM (unified :D).

You can download the Box unified theme at the Artwork section, or use the instructions mentioned on the last post to keep it uptodate (XFWM theme will be available on further system upgrades). Enjoy!

30 Dec

Unified Box theme

Unified means that Box is getting more complete and global. Now we included full support for Unity and Metacity. Now you can use it with Ubuntu and everything will work fine. Look how the Unity controls look on maximixed windows over the panel:

You can download Box icons and Box theme at the Artwork section. The current version is 0.42+bzr384, which means you should our PPA to keep it uptodate, because I’m planning to improve it a lot more.

The only negative part is that Unity-Tweak-tool or Gnome-Tweak-Tool “don’t see” the theme, you need to use Ubuntu-Tweak. Instructions on a terminal for everythng:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:lubuntu-art/daily
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-tweak lubuntu-artwork

And that’s all for this moment. Feedback apreciated.

12 Dec

Merry Christmas!

As usual, every festive season has its own dedicated wallpaper. And Christmas is, without any doubt, the most celebrated party around the globe. And as this became a tradition, here are some Lubuntu related wallpapers (1280×1024). Choose your flavour!

Edit: now, due to some proposals, available at 1600×1200 resolution:

02 Dec

Customize your clock

The clock of your panel is a very handy and customizable tool. You can
make it show whatever you want with a few single steps, using codes
called strftime. You don’t need to memorize them all, just use the ones
you need, copy and paste. That easy…

This how this new article of our Tips’n’Tricks collection starts. Have a look!

And remember, if you have another tip or advice, and want it published at Lubuntu Blog, don’t hesitate and send it.

Edit: sorry for not posting this as a blog new.

28 Nov

Restyling Box

Arriving to version 0.43, we found the inspiration (or the need) to revisit the current icon theme. Just a few retouches here and there, a lot of (colour) improvements and (grid) adjustments, returned a refreshed air on all folders and related glyphs, and an overall smoothing look. Now the theme is a bit more sharp than before, and sure more clear for reading in small and big screens. Here’s the sample:

Also, if you use any dock (docky, plank,  or you just use a huge lxPanel) you’ll notice the completed new sizes. If you have installed Lubuntu 13.10 don’t worry, updates will arrive in a few weeks.

21 Nov

In progress…

Sure you were busy knowing the new release of Lubuntu, codenammed Saucy Salamander. But work isn’t finished. There’re still a lot of things to do. Beside this, I’m working on some crazy idea, about Lubuntu artwork. What about making Box theme working in other environment? Something like Lubuntu “possesing” other desktops? As I said, a work in progress…

18 Oct

Saucy Salamander is out!

Finally the day arrived. New ISOs for every model of architecture are available. I updated the downloads section where you can grab the new Lubuntu Saucy Salamander with all these improvements (among others not so visible):

  • LightDM using a simple GTK+ greeter
  • Firefox as the new web browser for Lubuntu 13.10
  • new version of PCManFM and libfm including a built-in search utility
  • artwork improvements, new wallpapers, community wallpapers and icons
  • removed Catfish since PCManFM has its own search utility
  • fixed a very old bug causing GNOME MPlayer to crash with some CPUs
  • several fixes for the GPicView image viewer

Go to downloads section and get it for free now!