16 Mar

Countdown clock

I’d like to thank our friend and collaborator Corbin Davenport for this. Specially when I used to be a pain in the neck, asking for the new clock day after day, and I must say the result is, as always, really amazing (have a look on your right). You can use it on your own website. Just copy and paste this HTML code:

<iframe src=”http://ubuntuone.com/2mnKK5WN8YIBIS4TCtBBuD” style=”width:170px; height:128px; border:1px;”>There was an error loading the countdown.</iframe>

If you want the original clocks (for Ubuntu too) watch this at Corbin’s website. Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) wil be released following the general Ubuntu release schedule (more or less). Check it out at the release table for dates.

12 Mar

Dark panel theme

Due to popular demand, another variant was added to the Box theme for Lubuntu. Now you can use dark panels and adapted icons aswell. These modifications will be available in the downloads sections very soon. Also, the upcoming release of Lubuntu will include it.

 This is how the panel looks with both themes:

11 Mar

[Results] Community wallpaper contest

The results are in and the winners are… or rather, the winner is:

Cleide Isabel! She managed to grab the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place with her photos: ‘Vista Do Fitz Roy’, ‘Vale’, ‘Arvore’, ‘Daisie’ and ‘Copan02’.


Congratulations! Full results and statistics can be viewed over at Picompete by clicking here.

A big thank you goes out to Guillaume (the owner of Picompete) who once again helped us host our community contest. Guillaume is not only a supporter of Lubuntu but also a supporter of open source, and he welcomes other open source projects to use his service free of charge.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest by either submitting wallpapers or voting. We really enjoy letting you all be a part of Lubuntu in some way and that’s why we do this contest. Thank you all for your continued support!

06 Mar

Ubuntu community survey 2014

Another year, our fellow (and Ubuntu member) Nathan Heafner prepared the Ubuntu community survey, a simple and quick test  (no more than 2 minutes, trust me) whose results will help a lot to the entire community of those (like us!) who make Ubuntu and its flavours more secure, useable and beautiful. You’ll be asked about your preferred desktop (I’m sure it’s LXDE for Lubuntu), web browser, if you prefer using a mail client or not, if you want a startup sound, etc.

Please, feel free to answer these questions here.

03 Mar

[Poll] Community wallpaper contest

Ladies and gentlemen, cast your votes!

The poll that will decide our additional wallpapers for Trusty Tahr is now up and running. To cast your vote head here and choose your five favorite wallpapers.

The poll will continue until March 11th, and the top five contributions
will be included in Lubuntu 14.04 and packaged into the Ubuntu

 Spread the word and good luck to all contestants!

27 Feb

Trusty Tahr β1

It’s here, the beta 1 for Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for testing, as well as other flavours (Kubuntu, Xubuntu and UbuntuGnome) and I must (as always) remind you this is not suitable for production environment. Some changes you can find in this release are:

  • New pcmanfm (1.2.0 version), with a lot of new features (folder settings, dual pane view, menu editing)
  • New lxsession-default-apps with a new user interface
  • An update of the artwork (new icons, theme update, more compatibilities…)

You may check the full release notes. Or here to see the list of applications included in the distribution. I’d also like to remember that our wallpaper contest is still open in the Flickr pool so you can submit your wallpaper (only a few days left!) and the five selected ones will be included in the final release. Hurry up!

25 Feb

Box 0.44

We’re very close to the final release of Lubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. In the meanwhile you can test (or use daily) the new and revamped theme. The controls have been updated to match (a branch merge) the Ubuntu standard themes (as we told here) and lots of icons have been added and fixed. You can get it at our artwork page. Also updated the old theme links, if you want to get early versions.

20 Feb

Theme convergence

Lubuntu theme gets more updates and fixes. Now it was merged again with Ubuntu’s Light themes (getting the last development features and fixes from Ubuntu), so a lot of redundant information was removed, colour definitions were fixed (specially in Nautilus), incorrect bitmaps fixed (in Thunar). You can see the difference between “old” Nautilus colours and the fixed ones:


Soon it’ll be uploaded here and will be available for everybody, when Interface Freeze date arrives

15 Feb

Trusty Tahr artwork last sprint

We’re about to “freeze” the artwork for this upcoming release, the Trusty Tahr. In a few days we’ll present the Community Wallpaper Contest so anybody should upload his own creation.

You can read here all the details of this artwork release. Also, I will upgrade the download links in this blog (sorry, can’t handle everything so fast) so other Linux (not Ubuntu) may use it. More information to come. Stay tuned!