12 Mar

Community wallpaper contest results

Alexander Andjelkovic, from the Lubuntu Artwork Team, announced the results of the Community Wallpaper Contest for the 13.04 release of Lubuntu. The results for our wallpapers contest are in, and can be viewed in detail at Picomp.

The winners are:

1. ‘nature’ by wakarii (80 Votes)
2. ‘Frost Glas’ by Tylana (74 Votes)
3. ‘Simple. Fast. Lubuntu.’ by Julian Fernandes (72 Votes)
4. ‘Squares’ by Ray O Sullivan (71 Votes)
5. ‘Fish 2’ by AmmarkoV (66 Votes)

If you want to download any of these finalists or whatever in this contest you’ll need to go to the Flickr pool.

06 Feb

A new wallpaper

Simply that, the first two wallpapers for Lubuntu Raring Ringtail, with two versions, “normal” and “particle beam”. Usually Lubuntu uses a single soft wave, so if you’re asking about the inspiration for the new design, I’ll explain:

The double wave resembles a DNA helix. Particle beam radiation is used to create mutations on some genes. So the expectation is just a useful, improved and creative mutation of previous environments (yeah, too geek, I know).

You can download it at the Raring Artwork wiki page. I hope you like it.

Note: a reminder for everybody, the Flickr pool is still open. What are you waiting? Send your hand-made wallpapers, yours may become a Lubuntu’s official background!

21 Jan

13.04 wallpaper contest

Alexander Andjelkovic, member of the Lubuntu Artwork Team, is proud to announce the 13.04 release wallpaper contest, as said:

As 13.04 is getting closer, it’s about time that we announce the community wallpaper contest.

Submissions are done through this Flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/lubuntu1304contest/

And you’ll find all the necessary information about the contest there as well.

Spread the word!

Feel free to submit your apliance and release the artist you’ve got inside!

17 Oct

Blessed Samhain!

The whole planet (specially the celts, the vikings and their descendants) knows that we’re close to Halloween but now, since I’m meeting with my ancestors (historically, I mean) just discovered the purpose of this rare ritual: the end of the harvest, the end of the light half, and the beginning of the dark half. According to Wikipedia:

Samhain ( /ˈsɑːwɪn/, /ˈsaʊ.ɪn/, or /ˈsaʊn/) is a Gaelic harvest festival held on October 31–November 1. It was linked to festivals held around the same time in other Celtic cultures […] and both the Gaelic and the Catholic liturgical festival have influenced the secular customs now connected with Halloween.

Yes, it ‘s whitchcraft, but we love it! So, for all Lubuntu users and lovers, I made a special version of the Quantal Quetzal wallpaper to download. Just click on the image to make it bigger (1280 x 1024 px). Blessed Samhain to everybody! Shona Oíche Shamhna!

06 Oct

Quantal Quetzal CD wallet

I’m proud to release the Quantal Quetzal version of the CD Set featuring the new “aztec” design. The guys from Canonical made a great job, doing a historical review of the pre-colombine societies.

You can see the quetzal in every poster (I’m finishing the Lubuntu one) or press element, as well as the God Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, drawing the “1210” version number. I can’t help watching there the nibbles game moving thru the squares.

I hope you like them, I did it with all my dedication. You can download it at the marketing wiki.

02 Aug

Box icon theme

The new Box icon theme is (almost) finished, already pushed up onto Launchpad for being merged with *buntu repos. So, if you’re a lucky person because you installed Lubuntu 😀 then a simple update will change the icons to the new ones soon. But if you don’t like them don’t worry, the original Elementarized is still there.

This was an extremely hard work. Every icon is being retouched pixel by pixel so you c an get a nice interface and you’ll be comfortable with your desktop. I’d like to dedicate this theme to my “mentor” and inspiration icon guy, Jakub “Jimmac” Steiner, and of course, Dan Rabitt, the creator of Elementary, both obligatory references in the interface design scene. Oh, and to all the Lubuntu crew, specially the one who usually saves my life designing with me, Alexander Andjelkovich, another member of the Lubuntu Artwork Team.

02 Jul

Quantal UI Improvements

The Lubuntu Artwork Team is not sleeping. We’re getting some UI revamped elements, improving the current theme and getting it to a higher level. Among the icon theme (being exhaustely developed), the GTK2 / GTK3 themes had been redesigned (for both looking better and integrate between them). Look how the PCManFM’s toolbar look now:

Also, I’d like to remember to any reader and user that the Wallpaper Contest is still open and we accept submissions. Create a wallpaper and we will include it on the Quantal distro. Remember, you could be famous! Check it out at Flickr.

25 May

Mocking up!

There’s no time for sleeping. Or maybe yes, and dreaming about the perfect interface. So we at Lubuntu Artwork Team are still active, never forget this 🙂 Now thinking about a new icon proposal, a new GTK / Openbox theme and, of course, a new brand official wallpaper for this sweet flavour of Ubuntu. In a few weeks the contest for wallpaper submissions will be open, and we are waiting for your ideas and designs. The Lubuntu Blog will post the Flickr address soon for uploading your creations. The selection will be part of the Lubuntu Community Wallpapers package, and one of them could be yours!

16 Apr

New Lubuntu icon theme

A new icon theme is going to land soon: Lubuntu Box. At this moment only a few icons and the design guide are being developed to create the main look line. Of course, the icon theme will (and always) be free, released under GPL license, and it will fit another desktop environments, such as Gnome3 or Unity. Stay tuned!