28 Nov

Restyling Box

Arriving to version 0.43, we found the inspiration (or the need) to revisit the current icon theme. Just a few retouches here and there, a lot of (colour) improvements and (grid) adjustments, returned a refreshed air on all folders and related glyphs, and an overall smoothing look. Now the theme is a bit more sharp than before, and sure more clear for reading in small and big screens. Here’s the sample:

Also, if you use any dock (docky, plank,  or you just use a huge lxPanel) you’ll notice the completed new sizes. If you have installed Lubuntu 13.10 don’t worry, updates will arrive in a few weeks.

21 Nov

In progress…

Sure you were busy knowing the new release of Lubuntu, codenammed Saucy Salamander. But work isn’t finished. There’re still a lot of things to do. Beside this, I’m working on some crazy idea, about Lubuntu artwork. What about making Box theme working in other environment? Something like Lubuntu “possesing” other desktops? As I said, a work in progress…

05 Oct

Box 0.41 (icon theme)

The default icon theme, Box, has reached another completion hit, version 0.41 is one of the most all-covered and complete icon themes over there. More than 2800 objects (icons and symlinks, apps, devices, filetypes, actions, etc) make this a suitable theme for any Linux based OS.

I’d like to thank Julien Lavergne for collecting every upload we made and creating a handy deb package, and my partner at the Lubuntu Artwork Team, Alexander Andjelkovich, without you this theme wouldn’t exist.If you’re going to download and install Lubuntu 13.10 you’ll have it by default (check release schedule). If not, you can check it out here, and choose your architecture here. Next step? Maybe a full Unity compliant Box theme 😉

21 Sep


Brought to you by WOW Lubuntu starting from 8th of April 2013, StartUbuntu (created by amjjawad)
is a huge project and a massive campaign that is aiming to reach to
Microsoft Windows XP Users and offering them a modern, unique, stable,
fast, powerful, highly customizable, active and amazing community based
system, open-source, free Linux-based system which should replace their
very old no longer supported system. Start Ubuntu is simply offering NOT
ONLY one “replacement” for Windows XP, but 9 options, 9 alternatives, 9 Operating Systems – Please see Ubuntu Family.

You can grab the artwork for your favourite flavour here. Join and explore a new space!

23 Jul

Here comes the salamander

The Lubuntu Artwork Team is proud to show you all the new default artwork, including the wallpaper (and a radical scaly deviation for reptiles :D), the improved GTK2/3 themes, a new sexy app button, and the (always) evolving icons. There’s a lot of work during the release cycle, as upgrades that all users will receive. Have a look:

Also, I’d like to thank the 3rd collaborators we had to make this icon theme. It’s lovely how you’re involved in this project that is (I hope) making Lubuntu a bit more famous. And remember, feedback is appreciated!

07 Jul

Saucy Salamander theme

The whole Ubuntu family is preparing the land for the arrival of Saucy Salamander. Lubuntu too. In a few days we’ll release the GTK2 & GTK3 themes (and maybe something else). Look at the subtile evolution, where you can see the changes that come mostly from Light Themes:

Minor changes go to paddings, and the base color was softened a bit, while keeping the sharpiness. Also, cleaning the dependencies on RC modules and removed many bitmaps, so it will be a lot faster. And remember that you can always keep your Lubuntu artwork using the Daily PPA. You just need to issue these commands on LXTerminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-art/daily
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

11 Apr

Box theme reaches 0.38!

Due to popular demand, and celebrating we’re at version 0.38, here’s the Box icon theme for any Linux system. So if you want to install just download and decompress into ~/.icons and enjoy.

A lot of office and coding support was added, as well as new and improved app icons. And it grows and grows. All Lubuntu users will get their update. This post is for those who can’t wait.

Download Box 0.38 here.

15 Mar

Falles 2013

As we celebrated the Samhein or the New Year with a Lubuntized wallpaper, now it’s time to make another one dedicated to my beloved fiesta, at the city of València in Spain, called Falles.

For those who don’t know what’s this about, just tell  them it’s an ancient cult to the fire itself, as a life renewal symbol and the joy of passing through seasons (from autumn into spring). And they do this burning paper-made monuments (ephemeral art) that represent bad things of the year.

I hope you enjoy this wallie and everybody is invited to come to València and see by themselves the festival on every street. Bones Falles!