21 Jan

Box theme 0.58

A new re-merge with Ubuntu Themes has been done, providing Lubuntu of the following features to the GTK3 theme:

  • revamped Unity controls
  • improved theme file structure
  • removed unnecessary objects
  • added missing elements (e.g. translucent endings, etc)
  • modified scroll sliders (now with autohide)
  • fixed buttons curvature (overall improvements)
  • other minor bug fixes

Screenshot from 2016-01-21 16-41-49

Remember that this is only a feature and bug fix release, and only affects GTK3 part. The theme is being updated in the Artwork Daily PPA and as a standalone package. Downloads are here.

12 Feb

Ubuntu re-merge

Preparing the forthcoming Lubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet release, the Box theme has been updated and re-merged with Ubuntu’s Light Theme to the use last GTK features, like the new HeaderBars used in Gnome native apps. Changes include a lot of bug fixes, adjustments in colour definitions, modified headerbars and toolbars, improved paddings and distances, improved 3rd party apps support (like Nautilus, Maps or Music), etc.

If you want to use Box theme in your distro just download it from the Artwork page.

25 Aug

LXPanel 0.7.0 released

A huge update to the GTK+ panel was released. See the list below for some changes. Full log of changes can be fund in git. Lots of new functionalities like:

  • new plugin ‘launchtaskbar’ combining ‘launchbar’ and ‘taskbar’
  • replaced ‘pager’ plugin with former ‘wnckpager’ one
  • allowed drag applications from system menu plugin
  • using human readable sensor names if available (like ‘Core 0′, etc)
  • renamed button to configure plugin from ‘Edit’ to ‘Properties’
  • etc.

Soon in Lubuntu repositories. More info here.

Via LXDE Blog

02 Apr

Box theme 0.45

Only two for the forthcoming Trusty Tahr release, and as I promised, I uploaded Box 0.45 with full support for dark panels, including icons for both panels, themes for dark and light panels, and a smaller version of the Openbox theme. Changes in this package:

  • added dark panel gtk theme
  • added matching white panel icons
  • small and big versions of window controls
  • complete set of stock and gnome icons
  • fixes for gtkheaderbar (client side decorations)
  • full suppot for Unity, XFCE and Gnome
  • added 3rd party applications extra icons

And more to come. Please, feel free to test it on every Linux desktop. Grab both packages at the downloads section, decompress and enjoy!

20 Feb

Theme convergence

Lubuntu theme gets more updates and fixes. Now it was merged again with Ubuntu’s Light themes (getting the last development features and fixes from Ubuntu), so a lot of redundant information was removed, colour definitions were fixed (specially in Nautilus), incorrect bitmaps fixed (in Thunar). You can see the difference between “old” Nautilus colours and the fixed ones:


Soon it’ll be uploaded here and will be available for everybody, when Interface Freeze date arrives

30 Dec

Unified Box theme

Unified means that Box is getting more complete and global. Now we included full support for Unity and Metacity. Now you can use it with Ubuntu and everything will work fine. Look how the Unity controls look on maximixed windows over the panel:

You can download Box icons and Box theme at the Artwork section. The current version is 0.42+bzr384, which means you should our PPA to keep it uptodate, because I’m planning to improve it a lot more.

The only negative part is that Unity-Tweak-tool or Gnome-Tweak-Tool “don’t see” the theme, you need to use Ubuntu-Tweak. Instructions on a terminal for everythng:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:lubuntu-art/daily
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-tweak lubuntu-artwork

And that’s all for this moment. Feedback apreciated.

23 Jul

Here comes the salamander

The Lubuntu Artwork Team is proud to show you all the new default artwork, including the wallpaper (and a radical scaly deviation for reptiles :D), the improved GTK2/3 themes, a new sexy app button, and the (always) evolving icons. There’s a lot of work during the release cycle, as upgrades that all users will receive. Have a look:

Also, I’d like to thank the 3rd collaborators we had to make this icon theme. It’s lovely how you’re involved in this project that is (I hope) making Lubuntu a bit more famous. And remember, feedback is appreciated!

07 Jul

Saucy Salamander theme

The whole Ubuntu family is preparing the land for the arrival of Saucy Salamander. Lubuntu too. In a few days we’ll release the GTK2 & GTK3 themes (and maybe something else). Look at the subtile evolution, where you can see the changes that come mostly from Light Themes:

Minor changes go to paddings, and the base color was softened a bit, while keeping the sharpiness. Also, cleaning the dependencies on RC modules and removed many bitmaps, so it will be a lot faster. And remember that you can always keep your Lubuntu artwork using the Daily PPA. You just need to issue these commands on LXTerminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-art/daily
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

25 May

Mocking up!

There’s no time for sleeping. Or maybe yes, and dreaming about the perfect interface. So we at Lubuntu Artwork Team are still active, never forget this 🙂 Now thinking about a new icon proposal, a new GTK / Openbox theme and, of course, a new brand official wallpaper for this sweet flavour of Ubuntu. In a few weeks the contest for wallpaper submissions will be open, and we are waiting for your ideas and designs. The Lubuntu Blog will post the Flickr address soon for uploading your creations. The selection will be part of the Lubuntu Community Wallpapers package, and one of them could be yours!