01 Apr

Lubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) BETA testing

We are pleased to announce that the beta images for Lubuntu 21.04 have been released!

While we have reached the bugfix-only stage of our development cycle, these images are not meant to be used in a production system. We highly recommend joining our development group or our forum to let us know about any issues.

Ubuntu Testing Week

Ubuntu, and flavors such as Lubuntu, are having a testing session (hashtag #UbuntuTestingWeek, #UTW) during the first week of April, to encourage as many people as possible to help test our new beta, and help make it the best release yet of Lubuntu.

You can read more about testing week and ways to test on our Discourse Post

Getting the download

You can download the Hirsute Hippo daily build here.


Thanks in advance to those of you who can help, and please reply on discourse with any issues, concerns, or questions!

01 Oct

Lubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) BETA testing

We are pleased to announce that the beta images for Lubuntu 20.10 have been released!

While we have reached the bugfix-only stage of our development cycle, these images are not meant to be used in a production system. We highly recommend joining our development group or our forum to let us know about any issues.

Getting the download

You can download the Groovy Gorilla daily build here.

Recording the results

To record your testing, you’ll need a Launchpad/Ubuntu One login. Go here to create one if you haven’t already got one.

Take a look at the testsuites, though most of our testcases can be found here.

Our current behavior when we run a QA-test install is to use the “Install using Calamares (entire disk)” testcase, where in the Comments section we use the first line to briefly list hardware used, the second line has an entry like

Lenovo V14 IIL,Intel Core i3-1005G1,8GB,256GB SSD
Testcase:BIOS,no encryption,full disk,Internet

which highlights it was a BIOS install, no encyption, full disk with internet connected; all of which matches an testcase found on our checklist.

How you describe your hardware is up to you, I get details from sudo lshw roughly in format “Make model (cpu, ram, gpu)” so my x201 will show as
lenovo thinkpad x201 (i5-m520, 4gb, i915)
but in my testcase example I’ve copied the first two lines from a real QA-test install performed by our most recent Lubuntu member Leó Kolbeinsson.

Reporting bugs

Follow the directions in the testsuite. If it does all of those things, great! If it doesn’t, we do need your help. Please file a bug on your testing box, and record the bug ID in the Bug (or Critical Bug) section in the iso.qa.ubuntu.com page when complete.

Follow the directions in the bug report, and be as specific as you can. This is a key step – an unreported bug will be an unfixed bug. For details on reporting bugs please refer to our wiki page and don’t forget to include the bug report number in the iso.qa.ubuntu.com test report.


If you have any questions, appropriate places to ask are of course, our discourse site or for faster responses please ask on IRC #lubuntu-devel or via our telegram channel

Please note tests that complete okay with only minor issues should still be PASSED, but the bug ID reported in the “Bugs” section. If you consider it a show-stopper bug, record it in the “Critical bugs” section (failing the test if you believe absolutely necessary).


Thanks in advance to those of you who can help, and please reply on discourse with any issues, concerns, or questions!

05 Apr

Lubuntu 20.04 LTS Beta Released!

Your Lubuntu team has been hard at work, and has now released the beta version of Lubuntu 20.04 LTS. This will be our 18th release of Lubuntu, our fourth LTS release, but is our first LTS with the new LXQt desktop.

Between April 2nd and April 23rd, all efforts will be focused on testing our product before its final release; finding any missed bugs and getting those squashed. These beta images are not intended to be used on a production system. We strongly encourage anyone willing to test the new images to join our development group, our forum, or the new Ubuntu community group that is coordinating testing for all the flavors on IRC or Telegram. For more information on testing Lubuntu please visit our wiki page. We’ll love all the spare time anyone can provide, to help test our upcoming Lubuntu 20.04 LTS release, and make this the best Lubuntu release ever.

Where can I download it?

You can download the Beta images off of our downloads page.

A note about the Lubuntu Wallpaper Contest

For this release we once again asked the community to get involved in creating the wallpaper for the desktop. The submissions were fantastic and the decision was difficult for the committee to decide. The committee scored the choices and narrowed the selection down. The Lubuntu Members then voted for the winning wallpaper. While the wallpapers didn’t make it into this Beta release, we are packaging them up and you can expect to see them in time for the final release.

Thanks to our Contributors!

This release would not be possible without significant contributions. Thank you for taking the time to develop, support, test and promote Lubuntu. We also want to thank those that choose to donate!

25 Feb

Xenial Xerus Beta 1 released

The Lubuntu Release Team is happy to announce the first beta milestone of Xenial Xerus (to become 16.04 LTS in April) has now been released! A few bug fixes have come since the last alpha, but one piece of excitement is that this new milestone includes the 4.4 kernel that will be shipping with the final product.

Make sure to read the release notes to be aware of known bugs and workarounds. Your help would be most appreciated in terms of helping confirm/troubleshoot/triage those bugs, as well as filing any new bugs you find.

Speaking of bugs, though we’re still working on LXQt for a future release, we do expect to have some bug fixes for LXDE in the final release, so make sure to keep watching for announcements, especially on the Lubuntu Development mailing list.

For Release Notes and downloads, please see the Lubuntu Wiki.

To everyone that helped make this release possible, thank you. To those that would like to help, please get in touch (especially those of you that have PowerPC machines!).

25 Aug

Lubuntu 15.10 beta 1

Beta 1 is now available for testing, please help test it. New to testing? Head over to the wiki for all the information and background you need, along with contact points.

Also, there’s a new Facebook group named LubuntuQA for testing new Lubuntu ISOs, as well as bug triage. You can find it here.

And at last, but not least, a new ISO made by Julien Lavergne with the LXQt desktop integrated, just for testing Lubuntu Next evolution, is available here.

28 Feb

Lubuntu 15.04 Beta 1

We’re preparing Lubuntu 15.04, Vivid Vervet, for distribution in April 2015. With this Beta pre-release, we are now at the stage of being semi stable. However pre-releases are not suitable for a production environment.

Note: this is an beta pre-release. Lubuntu pre-releases are NOT recommended for:

  • regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • anyone who needs a stable system
  • anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable 

Lubuntu Pre-releases ARE recommended for:

  • regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Lubuntu developers

Read the release notes before downloading.

23 Sep

Lubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Final Beta

Testing has begun for the Final Beta (Beta 2) of Lubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn. Head on over to the ISO tracker to download images, view testcases, and report results. If you’re new to testing, anyone can join and they don’t have to be
Linux Jedis or anything. You can find all the information you need to get started here.

Please note that we especially need testers for PPC chips and Intel Macs. We have a special section discussing it here. In particular, if you have an Intel Mac, I have a few questions for you that might help us trim down the workload of the testing team.

Also, if you have a PPC chip, we’re about the only distro actively supporting this architecture. However, we are community supported, so without formal testing, the arch will lose more support. So please, join in testing!

28 Aug

Lubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10 β1

We’re preparing Lubuntu 14.10, the Utopic Unicorn, for distribution in
October 2014. With this early Beta pre-release, you can see what we are
trying out in preparation for our next version (with  3.16.0-11 Ubuntu Linux kernel). Remember that this is an early beta pre-release, so don’t use it on daily production computers.

We’d like you to join us for testing, especially if you have a PPC machine. We didn’t have PPC testers this release, do there is no PPC release.

Read the release notes before getting the disc images, and contact us with feedback.

27 Mar

Trusty Tahr β2

Almost there! A new beta has been released at the mirrors, Lubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr beta 2. You already know all the stuff: a few improvements, updated packages, lots of fixes, etc. Look, we were busy:

  • pcmanfm 1.2.0 (folder settings, dual pane view, menu editing)
  • artwork (new icons, theme update, more compatibilities)
  • new interface for lxsession-default-apps
  • firefox fixings

But still beta, remember. Don’t use in a productive system. Download ISOs from here. Read the release notes here. The schedule calendar is here.