16 Nov

Natty Narwhall mockup!

Well, it’s  not really a mockup, it’s already an applied theme to my Lubuntu desktop, fully functional and installable. The mockups are a tricky question, because of their complexity and inability of some visual improvements (due to coding limitations), like this:

Now let’s return to the real world. I don’t know if this theme will be the next one for the 11.04 release of Lubuntu, but anyway it could be a nice theme. I must be voted, aproved and accepted for the (growing) community. It’s based on Zuki Blues, by Lassekongo. Have a look and say what you think (screenshot with and without shadows).

08 Oct

CD cover

Recognized by an overwhelming majority, the designs for the wallet, disc and lightscribe images for the 10.10 version are ready to download. They’re available at the usual marketing place so, feel free to download and print them while they’re hot! I hope you like it.

BTW, have you noticed that there’s only two days left for the upcoming (and long awaited) final version of Lubuntu (and possibly the Ubuntu one too)? Don’t care, I’ll keep you all informed and a new download link will appear in this blog.