Trusty Tahr β1
It’s here, the beta 1 for Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for testing, as well as other flavours (Kubuntu, Xubuntu and UbuntuGnome) and I must (as always) remind you this is not suitable for production environment. Some changes you can find in this release are:
- New pcmanfm (1.2.0 version), with a lot of new features (folder settings, dual pane view, menu editing)
- New lxsession-default-apps with a new user interface
- An update of the artwork (new icons, theme update, more compatibilities…)
You may check the full release notes. Or here to see the list of applications included in the distribution. I’d also like to remember that our wallpaper contest is still open in the Flickr pool so you can submit your wallpaper (only a few days left!) and the five selected ones will be included in the final release. Hurry up!