21 Jun

Audacious 3.3 alpha

The default audio player of Lubuntu has get a new and revamped interface with lots of UI improvements, like the “lcd” screen, move the controls to a primary toolbar (better for use in Gnome), and a new genre column. Also, all these changes were added to the list:

  • the MPRIS2 plugin now supports seeking and getting/setting the volume
  • the search tool plugin is more inteligent and lets you search by artist, album and song title simultaneously and also, more info is displayed when searching
  • new search tool shortcut (CTRL + Y) using the GTK interface
  • partially re-written core output code
  • new “speed and pitch” plugin (replacing SndStretch)
  • fixed audio conversions so that bit-perfect playback for 16 and 24 bit audio files
  • GIO transport plugin enabled by default, supporting ftp://, sftp://, and smb:// URI protocols
  • the LIRC plugin has been re-added to Audacious (it was missing in the 3.x series)
  • a new output plugin has been added for OpenBSD’s sndio audio system
  • the OSSv3 output plugin has been removed
  • a global hotkey can be assigned to raise/focus Audacious
  • Audacious now only supports GTK3
If you want to install this update do this at the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install audacious

Via: WebUpd8.
06 Jun

Audacious 3.2.3

Interesting news for all Lubuntu users, because the default audio player of the distro, Audacious, has been update, but don’t think about big changes on the interface or such, this version solves the folowing bugs:

  • jump to song search results do not include songs not yet scanned for metadata (bug #91)
  • equalizer presets don’t survive app restart (bug #99)
  • add MimeType=inode/directory; to audacious.desktop (feature #102)
  • jump to song doesn’t respond to enter at the first place (bug #108)
  • HSP file causes segfault (bug #111)
  • ogg vorbis detection and linking issues (bug #113)
  • show song numbers and leading zeroes not adopted directly (bug #114)

Audacious will be updated soon on Lubuntu systems but, if you want to have them fixed now, you’ll need to install via the WebUpd8 PPA. Instructions (with a terminal):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y audacious audacious-plugins

Via Ubuntips.