28 Nov

Restyling Box

Arriving to version 0.43, we found the inspiration (or the need) to revisit the current icon theme. Just a few retouches here and there, a lot of (colour) improvements and (grid) adjustments, returned a refreshed air on all folders and related glyphs, and an overall smoothing look. Now the theme is a bit more sharp than before, and sure more clear for reading in small and big screens. Here’s the sample:

Also, if you use any dock (docky, plank,  or you just use a huge lxPanel) you’ll notice the completed new sizes. If you have installed Lubuntu 13.10 don’t worry, updates will arrive in a few weeks.

21 Nov

In progress…

Sure you were busy knowing the new release of Lubuntu, codenammed Saucy Salamander. But work isn’t finished. There’re still a lot of things to do. Beside this, I’m working on some crazy idea, about Lubuntu artwork. What about making Box theme working in other environment? Something like Lubuntu “possesing” other desktops? As I said, a work in progress…