23 Sep

Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2

Sure you already know that our “big brother” Ubuntu released the second beta for the Oneiric Ocelot version. So here goes the “little one” Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2. I just wanted to mention this like an echo of Julien Lavergne’s announcement. And as he said, this is a beta, so remember:

  • okay, a lot of bugs were fixed
  • you may find theme (gtk3/lxpanel) improvements
  • but you could find new interface bugs (feedback appreciated)
but you can also find these (temporary) bugs:
  • include apt-xapian-index : http://pad.lv/798437
  • installer require 4.6 Gb of free space : http://pad.lv/819538
  • ubiquity broken icon switcher : http://pad.lv/830898
  • update icons on desktop for persitent mode broken : http://pad.lv/837470
  • firefox locales installed : http://pad.lv/820056
  • fallback icons on notification area broken : http://pad.lv/819542 and http://pad.lv/820080
  • not able to install virtualbox drivers after installation from desktop ISO : http://pad.lv/854995
  • entries with “Lubuntu” are not translated on the boot menu on any ISO: http://pad.lv/855977
You will find it here. Happy testing!
10 Sep

Lubuntu Software Center

Lubuntu right now lacks a Software Center, as his big brother Ubuntu, so Stephen Smally is developing a great app for this. Lubuntu Software Center. You can install and test it executing this on a terminal (the whole line):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-software-center

Remember its pre-alpha stage. But I highly recommend using it and, please, report any bug you can find. The developers always thank that kind of actions.

02 Sep

Beta 1

Announced by Julien Lavergne today:

Following the announce for Ubuntu, Lubuntu Beta 1 is also available for
testing. You can find it on

A quick summary of important changes since Alpha 3 :
 * Alternate ISO are now available.
 * Keeping LXDM for login manager.
 * New theme made by Raphael.

Know issues :
 * Include apt-xapian-index : http://pad.lv/798437
 * Installer require 4.6 Gb of free space : http://pad.lv/819538
 * Fallback icons of libindicator not working : http://pad.lv/819617
 * Crash on startup for notification-daemon : http://pad.lv/838383
 * Ubiquity broken icon switcher : http://pad.lv/830898
 * Update desktop on persistent mode : http://pad.lv/837470

Happy testing 🙂