15 Feb

Trusty Tahr artwork last sprint

We’re about to “freeze” the artwork for this upcoming release, the Trusty Tahr. In a few days we’ll present the Community Wallpaper Contest so anybody should upload his own creation.

You can read here all the details of this artwork release. Also, I will upgrade the download links in this blog (sorry, can’t handle everything so fast) so other Linux (not Ubuntu) may use it. More information to come. Stay tuned!

18 Oct

Saucy Salamander is out!

Finally the day arrived. New ISOs for every model of architecture are available. I updated the downloads section where you can grab the new Lubuntu Saucy Salamander with all these improvements (among others not so visible):

  • LightDM using a simple GTK+ greeter
  • Firefox as the new web browser for Lubuntu 13.10
  • new version of PCManFM and libfm including a built-in search utility
  • artwork improvements, new wallpapers, community wallpapers and icons
  • removed Catfish since PCManFM has its own search utility
  • fixed a very old bug causing GNOME MPlayer to crash with some CPUs
  • several fixes for the GPicView image viewer

Go to downloads section and get it for free now!

14 Oct

Corbin’s countdown

Thanks to Corbin Davenport for these amazing countdown clocks. There’s one for Lubuntu flavour and another for Ubuntu. For Lubuntu:

…and its code:

<iframe src=”http://www.corbindavenport.com/ubuntu/lubuntu.html” style=”width:180px; height:150px; border:0px;”>There was an error loading the countdown.</iframe>

For Ubuntu:

…and the code:

<iframe src=”http://www.corbindavenport.com/ubuntu/ubuntu.html” style=”width:180px; height:150px; border:0px;”>There was an error loading the countdown.</iframe>

30 Sep

Lubuntu 13.10 beta 2

Just wanted to inform that the second beta of Lubuntu Saucy Salamander is out (as published at the mailing lists and the Fridge). If you want to test this system feel free to download (PC32, PC64 and Mac). If you prefer to use Torrent files you can get them here.

More changes are included in this “cooked” ISO, like the complete removal of Chromium (getting back Firefox), the zRAM module, updated (and more complete) icon theme, redesigned LightDM theme, etc.

25 Jul

Alpha 2

I do not recommend installing any alpha, unless you want to test (and possibly crash) your computer. Some changes you will find on this new release are:

  • Using now Firefox instead of Chromium as default browser
  • XScreensaver has been removed
  • ZRam added, enabling the desktop installer to work on lower RAM machines
  • Updated artwork (icons, new wallpaper, etc)

CD images (yes, it still fits on a CD!) are here.

05 Apr

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta

Steve Langasek, the release wizard, has announced the availability of the last beta for all flavours of the Raring Ringtail, including Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, UbuntuStudio, Xubuntu, UbuntuGnome (NEW) and Kylin (NEW also):

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the final beta release of Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products. Together with Ubuntu 13.04, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio also reached final beta status today. We also welcome two new flavors, Ubuntu GNOME and UbuntuKylin, which are participating in the Ubuntu release process for the first time this cycle…

You can grab your copy of Lubuntu here.

26 Apr

Lubuntu 12.04 released!

Lubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin is finaly here. Download it while hot. Features:

  • Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment
  • Pcmanfm 0.9.10, a fast and lightweight files manager using gio/gvfs
  • Openbox, the fast and extensible, default windows-manager of LXDE
  • Lightdm, using the simple GTK greeter
  • Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome
  • …and, of course, based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Improvements since Lubuntu 11.10

  • A new software-center, optimized to be lightweight, for easy installation and removal of applications from your system
  • New theme is used, and each previous themes are available in the repositories
  • Lightdm is used as the display manager with the default gtk greeter
  • Blueman is now used instead of gnome-bluetooth for managing bluetooth devices
  • A lot of bug fixes, especially on the panel and the file manager

Some links: