06 Feb

A new wallpaper

Simply that, the first two wallpapers for Lubuntu Raring Ringtail, with two versions, “normal” and “particle beam”. Usually Lubuntu uses a single soft wave, so if you’re asking about the inspiration for the new design, I’ll explain:

The double wave resembles a DNA helix. Particle beam radiation is used to create mutations on some genes. So the expectation is just a useful, improved and creative mutation of previous environments (yeah, too geek, I know).

You can download it at the Raring Artwork wiki page. I hope you like it.

Note: a reminder for everybody, the Flickr pool is still open. What are you waiting? Send your hand-made wallpapers, yours may become a Lubuntu’s official background!

25 May

Mocking up!

There’s no time for sleeping. Or maybe yes, and dreaming about the perfect interface. So we at Lubuntu Artwork Team are still active, never forget this 🙂 Now thinking about a new icon proposal, a new GTK / Openbox theme and, of course, a new brand official wallpaper for this sweet flavour of Ubuntu. In a few weeks the contest for wallpaper submissions will be open, and we are waiting for your ideas and designs. The Lubuntu Blog will post the Flickr address soon for uploading your creations. The selection will be part of the Lubuntu Community Wallpapers package, and one of them could be yours!

23 May

Here we go…

…let’s rock’n’roll. Once a distro is released, the “artwork makers” begin their mockups. And so on, Lubuntu is, for me, the best for testing its own potential and capabilities. Every release is a challenge, and migrating to GTK3 is a hard work. Let’s mockup the world and make it better!