27 Feb

Trusty Tahr β1

It’s here, the beta 1 for Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) for testing, as well as other flavours (Kubuntu, Xubuntu and UbuntuGnome) and I must (as always) remind you this is not suitable for production environment. Some changes you can find in this release are:

  • New pcmanfm (1.2.0 version), with a lot of new features (folder settings, dual pane view, menu editing)
  • New lxsession-default-apps with a new user interface
  • An update of the artwork (new icons, theme update, more compatibilities…)

You may check the full release notes. Or here to see the list of applications included in the distribution. I’d also like to remember that our wallpaper contest is still open in the Flickr pool so you can submit your wallpaper (only a few days left!) and the five selected ones will be included in the final release. Hurry up!

30 Sep

Lubuntu 13.10 beta 2

Just wanted to inform that the second beta of Lubuntu Saucy Salamander is out (as published at the mailing lists and the Fridge). If you want to test this system feel free to download (PC32, PC64 and Mac). If you prefer to use Torrent files you can get them here.

More changes are included in this “cooked” ISO, like the complete removal of Chromium (getting back Firefox), the zRAM module, updated (and more complete) icon theme, redesigned LightDM theme, etc.

03 Sep

Beta 1 is out

Ubuntu QA finally cooked the first beta of Lubuntu 13.10 a.k.a. Saucy Salamander. You can grab it and install for (I never get tired of saying this) testing purposes only. Goto to Ubuntu QA and choose the flavour you want. Or go to download straight forward for 32bit, 64bit, Mac or PowerPC.

Also, I’d like to remind you that you can comment, criticize or just say whatever you want at the Lubuntu official Facebook page.

05 Apr

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta

Steve Langasek, the release wizard, has announced the availability of the last beta for all flavours of the Raring Ringtail, including Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, UbuntuStudio, Xubuntu, UbuntuGnome (NEW) and Kylin (NEW also):

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the final beta release of Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products. Together with Ubuntu 13.04, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio also reached final beta status today. We also welcome two new flavors, Ubuntu GNOME and UbuntuKylin, which are participating in the Ubuntu release process for the first time this cycle…

You can grab your copy of Lubuntu here.

27 Mar

Bug corrections

According the QA team, some important bugs affecting Ubuntu core that reflected on Lubuntu images has been corrected. For testing just go to the QA builds and seelct Lubuntu. Here’s the message:

Hi everyone, testing of 12.04 LTS Beta 2 is ongoing, and you already have found major defects that the dev team have started to address. New builds of Precise Beta 2 are now available on the tracker. These images include the following changes:

 If you have any question about testing Precise or issues you may find during testing, join us on #ubuntu-testing on IRC. Thanks for helping to test these images!

23 Sep

Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2

Sure you already know that our “big brother” Ubuntu released the second beta for the Oneiric Ocelot version. So here goes the “little one” Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2. I just wanted to mention this like an echo of Julien Lavergne’s announcement. And as he said, this is a beta, so remember:

  • okay, a lot of bugs were fixed
  • you may find theme (gtk3/lxpanel) improvements
  • but you could find new interface bugs (feedback appreciated)
but you can also find these (temporary) bugs:
  • include apt-xapian-index : http://pad.lv/798437
  • installer require 4.6 Gb of free space : http://pad.lv/819538
  • ubiquity broken icon switcher : http://pad.lv/830898
  • update icons on desktop for persitent mode broken : http://pad.lv/837470
  • firefox locales installed : http://pad.lv/820056
  • fallback icons on notification area broken : http://pad.lv/819542 and http://pad.lv/820080
  • not able to install virtualbox drivers after installation from desktop ISO : http://pad.lv/854995
  • entries with “Lubuntu” are not translated on the boot menu on any ISO: http://pad.lv/855977
You will find it here. Happy testing!
02 Sep

Beta 1

Announced by Julien Lavergne today:

Following the announce for Ubuntu, Lubuntu Beta 1 is also available for
testing. You can find it on

A quick summary of important changes since Alpha 3 :
 * Alternate ISO are now available.
 * Keeping LXDM for login manager.
 * New theme made by Raphael.

Know issues :
 * Include apt-xapian-index : http://pad.lv/798437
 * Installer require 4.6 Gb of free space : http://pad.lv/819538
 * Fallback icons of libindicator not working : http://pad.lv/819617
 * Crash on startup for notification-daemon : http://pad.lv/838383
 * Ubiquity broken icon switcher : http://pad.lv/830898
 * Update desktop on persistent mode : http://pad.lv/837470

Happy testing 🙂