[Results] Community wallpaper contest

The results are in!
I’d like to start with addressing some of the issues with running this type of contest. We try to communicate the rules for this contest as clearly as possible, for example, you cannot even join the Flickr group without accepting the rules. However, we cannot force people to read terms and conditions, so we try to warn contestants if they aren’t following the rules in order for them to correct their submission before deadline. Unfortunately we cannot force people to read their emails either, so we always have a few popular submissions that get disqualified. This contest was no different, we’ve had a few problems with wallpaper sizes and of course — licensing issues.
With that being said, full contest results can be seen here, and down below are the five wallpapers that will be included in Lubuntu 14.10, a big congratulations to you all:
I would also like to thank our friend Guillaume at Picompete for helping us host this contest. He’s been helping us for years now, and we really appreciate everything he’s done for us. It’s a trustworthy service that we really recommend if you wish to host similar contests like this. Guillaume is also a big fan of open source and Linux, and he has offered to help other distributions if they ever need to host a poll.