31 Oct

Disco Dingo: The development cycle has started!

The development cycle for the Disco Dingo (which will be the codename for the 19.04 release) has started for the Lubuntu team!

Translated into: español

UPDATE: Daily images are now up, and are available on our downloads page, for the adventurous. Also, an update to Perl 5.28 is being done prior to opening as well.

As of the time of writing, the initial building blocks have been put in place for the archive, and preparations are being made for its opening. Right now, the Ubuntu Foundations Team is working on preparing a transition to Python 3.7 as the default version, as well as some GCC changes and the usual preparation work.

For Lubuntu, this means we can begin setting up our infrastructure for the Disco Dingo in preparation for when the archive opens. Our full 19.04 release blocker list can be found here. All of these items will be completed before the planned release date of April 18, 2019. We are also working on cleaning up some 18.10 bugs post-release, so you can expect an announcement from us, either as a post here on our official Lubuntu blog or on Twitter/Mastodon.

Within the next month or so, you can expect the 18.10 backlog linked above to be complete and several items checked off, such as OEM support in the installer (which leads to Raspberry Pi 2/3 images as first-class citizens if we get approval from the Ubuntu Release Team), the return of an (optional but default) trash icon, a new release of Calamares, and many more bits of polish from the whole Lubuntu team.

Does any of this interest you? Get an account on our Phabricator instance and subscribe to tasks which catch your eye the most. We always welcome more help, so join us on one of our channels (IRC, Telegram, or Matrix). We also have a testing backlog, so if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to help out Lubuntu, that’s an excellent place to do it.

We have also been working on the Lubuntu Manual, so if you enjoy writing documentation, help us make the Lubuntu Manual better on Phabricator or GitHub.

Lastly, we are currently making some heavy refinements to our Weblate instance which has unfortunately resulted in all user accounts being lost. We will keep you updated and announce when it is working and polished again.

Thank you to the whole team for your work!