23 May

Lubuntu IRC channels are moving networks!

Following the Ubuntu IRC Council resolution, Lubuntu will be moving all of the Lubuntu IRC channels to LiberaChat as well. Some of the channels have already moved at the time of this announcement and the others will follow shortly. We are also working on updating our links to reflect the change.

Telegram to IRC bridge offline.

As a result of the move our Telegram bridge bot is currently offline. Once things are settled on the new network we will connect the bridge to bring everything back together.

Using LiberaChat.

LiberaChat has some guides for using the network and getting your nick registered.


Thank you for your patience through this transition!

27 Jun

Donate to Lubuntu!

The Lubuntu Team is happy to announce that we now have ways that you can directly donate to the project and purchase apparel. You can find quick links to all of the sites described in this post on our Donate page.

Why does Lubuntu need donations?

Lubuntu is a community-developed project that relies on support from the community to continue development. There are specific costs we would like to address to take the burden off of specific contributors, their employers, and the Ubuntu project as a whole. Specifically, Altispeed Technologies has graciously provided hosting support for our Phabricator instance, forum, and other pieces of critical Lubuntu infrastructure. We would like to eventually move off of Altispeed’s infrastructure, or be able to pay for the infrastructure ourselves.

Additionally, Lubuntu Developers attend several major Linux conferences each year, specifically LinuxFest NorthWest, the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference, SouthEast LinuxFest, and others. Lubuntu would like to be able to support some of these conferences and trips to these conferences without relying so much on e.g. the Ubuntu Community Donations Funding.

Rationale for each platform

We have accounts on four different platforms set up thus far: Patreon, Liberapay, PayPal, and Teespring. All four of these serve a specific purpose, and are meant to provide a variety of options for donation.

Patreon is, by far, the most popular recurring donations platform existing today. Donations could either be per-release or per-month; we selected the per-month option to best suit our users. In exchange for high visibility and ease of use, Patreon takes 8% of the donations per month, plus any additional fees that may arise. While this isn’t ideal, it works best for many people.

Liberapay is meant to provide a reasonable alternative to Patreon. Not only does it not take such a large percentage of donations, the platform is free software. The downside is that they previously had issues with one of their payment processors, and they have less visibility. However, it is a preferable option for people who wish to avoid Patreon.

We created a PayPal account for the purpose of one-time donations and payment processing for Liberapay temporarily. The advantage is that this allows for many types of currencies, and PayPal is a large platform which has a fair amount of visibility.

Teespring allows indirect donations via apparel purchase. Once purchases begin, we will publish a full breakdown (from our perspective) of what portion goes to Teespring and what portion goes to Lubuntu. The “profit margin” varies per-product, and we will publish all of that as purchases come in.

Accountability and transparency

We have observed with some other open source projects that accept donations that accountability for purchases and transparency in general is lacking. When Lubuntu accepts donations, it is essential to us to publish exactly where money is flowing and how it is being used to help further the project. While the decision-making process is limited to the Lubuntu Council and official members of the Lubuntu project, we see no reason to hide where the community’s money is going.

What’s next?

We plan on publishing updates to our donations process, reports on where the money is going, and all other pertinent information directly on the Donations page. Check there for regular updates.

Are you aware of another platform we should utilize? Do you have further questions about how we plan on using the money? Leave a comment below or contact the Lubuntu Council.

24 May

“Your fair discourse hath been as sugar, Making the hard way sweet and delectable.”

As you may have noticed on Twitter, Mastodon, IRC, our mailing lists, and this website, we have now launched a forum using the incredibly popular open source Discourse software. We join Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, LXQt, Phabricator, and others that share this powerful tool for communication with us.

Lubuntu Discourse

This forum is a general meeting point for any topic, but most notably (at this point) support and development. It will not supercede other forms of communication like the mailing lists, but instead will complement them. While we’re on the subject of mailing lists, there are options in Discourse that we’re working on enabling for people that prefer mailing lists over forums. Keep watching for updates about that.

You can click on “forum” on any page on our website to get to it or simply navigate to https://discourse.lubuntu.me or https://forum.lubuntu.me to join the conversation.

The quote in the title is from William Shakespeare, Richard II, Act II, scene 3, line 6 (c. 1595).