01 Aug

Caixa Mágica 16 LXDE

Another derivate from Lubuntu was found, called Caixa Mágica. Developed in Portugal, this Linux distribution was initially based on Mandriva, and now uses an Ubuntu base with DEB packages. It’s a DVD download with a lot of extras: Adobe Reader, gScriptor, The GIMP, LibreOffice, Skype, Java, Audio Tag Tool, Sound Juicer, Gnome-Recorder, Wine and Compiz-Fusion. Also includes Cartão de Cidadão, a software for managing national document identities and doing some administrative tasks. Of course, thaht amount of pre-installed software, the protuguese language support and the Compiz dependencies, it needs a bigger DVD installation media. Here’s the screenshot:

As you probably noticed, it uses Ozone theme from Lubuntu 11.04 (I’m glad about it and honoured with their choice). Thanks so much to Felipe Pessoa for pointing me the information.