03 Aug

Ultimate Edition Lite 3

It has been released Ultimate Edition Lite, a known distro (already mentioned) based on Lubuntu (LXDE environment). As explained TheeMann:

What is Ultimate Edition Lite? Ultimate Edition Lite was built off Lubuntu, it is intended to be ran on low resource computers such as netbooks. Ultimate Edition Lite contains only the bare minimum, a browser, a music player and a few other tools. The desktop environment is LXDE / Openbox which has a look similar to Windows XP.

26 Jul

Zorin OS 5 Lite

The Zorin group has recently released the Zorin OS 5 Lite, a renewed Ubuntu based operating system with similar features and look from Microsoft Windows, making users easily migrate to Linux.

The system is using the LXDE desktop and includes GNU Paint and Simple Scan, Google and Pidgin, Abiword and Gnumeric, and Audacious, Xfburn, etc (similar choices in Lubuntu), a browser chooser and a look changer.

Source: OStatic.

04 Mar

Lubuntu Natty alpha 3

New alpha release (just for testing, you know) available. The (huge) list of changes:

  • New automatic way to build the ISO (thanks to Jonathan Marsden)
  • Replacing Audacious for Aqualung, File-Roller for XArchiver, and GucView for Cheese
  • New applications: Java support, GuCharMap, LXKeyMap, and some docs
  • Lubuntu is now HAL free (thanks to Xubuntu dev)
  • Lxrandr (Monitor settings) is able to save the configuration
  • Lxappareance can configure the font (antialiasing) and openbox directly
  • You can configure the workspaces directly on applet
  • Autologin configuration at install time
  • Icons on the desktop are now moveable
  • Fake transparency available again and using Ubuntu font by default
  • New text Plymouth theme
  • Menus have Administration / Preference sub-menus and are now correctly translated
  • You can now change the layout on a Lubuntu session with LXKeyMap
  • Fixed a critical crash on qemu / kvm (thanks to Fedora dev)
  • Up-to-date LXDE and pcmanfm, also translations up-to-date with LXDE git

Download and test it. You know where, baby. Happy testing!

Additional note: Of course, Ubuntu alpha 3 has been released today too.

05 Jan

Zorin OS 4 Lite

I must talk about another “derivative” distribution born upon Lubuntu, this called Zorin OS. Using an LXDE desktop, it has unique desktop configuration features, like Background Plus (plays animations in the background), Splash Screen Manager (self explanatory), and Look Changer (switches look to a Windows, MacOSX or Gnome like). This distro can look familiar to everyone and maintains the speed and lightness of Lubuntu.