Beta 1 released

Here comes the new Beta release of Lubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). Julien Lavergne informs about changes and updates:
- new lxappareance from LXDE git
- update-notifier and Xpad was added
- parcellite and Pyneighborhood removed
- lxtask was added, to replace xfce4-taskmanager
- evince is now used for reading pdf
- we can now play games! (powered by ace-of-penguins)
- new theme and installation slideshow by me 😉
- lxde is now hal-free
- new meta-packages lubuntu-core and lubuntu-restricted-extras
- added support for indicator applets on lxpanel (turn off by default)
- and the usual updates of LXDE and Lubuntu components packages
You can download the ISO here.