04 Feb

DEFT Linux 7

Another Linux distro updated now with Lubuntu in its core: DEFT Linux 7. This is a great recovery and forensic distro with lots of tools to aid for repairing partitions, damaged clusters, recover lost data, make network tests and configurations, etc. I can’t write the whole list of apps included in this release, not enough space 🙂


Mmm, thatartwork sounds familiar to me… 😀

13 Oct

Lubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) released

Finally, the long awaited release is here. Notes from Julien Lavergne, the Lubuntu team leader:

  • ISOs are now build with Ubuntu official build system
  • alternate ISOs are available
  • many updates from LXDE (most components had official releases)
  • build with recommended packages by default
  • use recommends instead of depends for most of components of lubuntu-desktop meta-package
  • register correctly LXDE as a desktop environment by xdg tools
  • switch to xfce4-power-manager for power management
  • add a microblog client: pidgin-microblog
  • new theme made by Rafael Laguna

The release notes, with a list of known problems are available here. You can find information on how to report bug on this wiki page. Also check out the Lubuntu website, the documentation, the LXDE website and the official announcement.

 You can grab it at the usual Downloads page.

23 Sep

Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2

Sure you already know that our “big brother” Ubuntu released the second beta for the Oneiric Ocelot version. So here goes the “little one” Lubuntu 11.10 beta 2. I just wanted to mention this like an echo of Julien Lavergne’s announcement. And as he said, this is a beta, so remember:

  • okay, a lot of bugs were fixed
  • you may find theme (gtk3/lxpanel) improvements
  • but you could find new interface bugs (feedback appreciated)
but you can also find these (temporary) bugs:
  • include apt-xapian-index : http://pad.lv/798437
  • installer require 4.6 Gb of free space : http://pad.lv/819538
  • ubiquity broken icon switcher : http://pad.lv/830898
  • update icons on desktop for persitent mode broken : http://pad.lv/837470
  • firefox locales installed : http://pad.lv/820056
  • fallback icons on notification area broken : http://pad.lv/819542 and http://pad.lv/820080
  • not able to install virtualbox drivers after installation from desktop ISO : http://pad.lv/854995
  • entries with “Lubuntu” are not translated on the boot menu on any ISO: http://pad.lv/855977
You will find it here. Happy testing!