After a few years working, three releases with a hard work within, and a really great effort it arrives the support from Canonical (making it official). Mark Shuttleworth said our work would become a reality and being part of the Ubuntu familyt would arrive. Words from Julien Lavergne, leader of the project:
After 2 years of work, and 3 “unofficial” releases (10.04, 10.10 and 11.04), we had recently an official go from the Technical Board and ISO images are now made like other Ubuntu flavors. I hope the 11.10 will be the 1st official release of Lubuntu as a member of the Ubuntu family.
Also, these news arrived to almost every Ubuntu dedicated blog and news feeder, as WebUpd8, Lffl (grazie mille, Roberto) or UbuntuLook, for mentioning some. So, from this blog, I would like to thank to all readers, those who just interested about the project and other ones who pointed some suggestions and changes for improving the desktop look and feel. Also would thanks to the crew, the Lubuntu and LXDE teams. And special thanks to Julien for believing in me all these years.
Thank you very much!