01 Apr

Lubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) BETA testing

We are pleased to announce that the beta images for Lubuntu 21.04 have been released!

While we have reached the bugfix-only stage of our development cycle, these images are not meant to be used in a production system. We highly recommend joining our development group or our forum to let us know about any issues.

Ubuntu Testing Week

Ubuntu, and flavors such as Lubuntu, are having a testing session (hashtag #UbuntuTestingWeek, #UTW) during the first week of April, to encourage as many people as possible to help test our new beta, and help make it the best release yet of Lubuntu.

You can read more about testing week and ways to test on our Discourse Post

Getting the download

You can download the Hirsute Hippo daily build here.


Thanks in advance to those of you who can help, and please reply on discourse with any issues, concerns, or questions!